About this Blog

THE PREMISE: I want a powerful laptop. I'll be going off to college next year, so I figured that I would get ahead of the game in at least one respect, and start building the computer that I'll be using for the next four-plus years. As a prospective engineer, casual gamer, unabashed movie-lover and flagrant multi-tasker, I want a laptop that can handle just about anything I throw at it.

THE OBSTACLE: Lack of centralized information. Like any reasonable person, I decided to do some quick background research before doing any designing, planning or spending. After a couple quick Google searches, I quickly realized that there was no real middle ground between the hardcore modders, and the gentle Internet-preschool purchase guides.

THE RESOLUTION: This blog. I'm sure there are other people out there with needs similar to mine. Maybe some of them are better googlers than I, but I'd like to make it easier for all of us to find the knowledge that we want. The most convenient way to do that, it seems, is this blog. I'll try and make regular updates, keep it from being too esoteric, and stay on topic. I'd love to hear your thoughts, questions and critiques, so always feel free to comment, and I'll try to address them all.

STAGE WHISPER: I realize that there are many, many reputable manufacturers of computers, but I'm kind of picky when it comes to my tools, and I want them to work just so. My current laptop was bought from one such vendor, and I haven't been overjoyed with it, which is why I'm building my next one. This blog will not be a buyer's guide by any means. My intent is to have it be a DIY project informational that will also help out people who don't want to build a computer from scratch, but do want to upgrade the one that they currently own. It's geared torwards that in-between crowd who are more than beginners, but less that gurus.

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